In light of the retreat of the Palestinian media in Lebanon, and with the increase in the level of challenges on the level of the Palestinian issue in general, and refugees in Lebanon in particular, a number of Palestinian journalists have faltered in this delicate stage to form this framework.
The grouping raises three addresses:
1 – Unity: It is not possible to build a real struggle and liberation strategy without involving everyone and dialogue among them, as the exclusionary mentality does not result in anything but division and defeat. Hence, the gathering door was open to all, and welcome to every journalist, regardless of his party affiliations and political orientations. Hence also, we are determined to cooperate with various factions, organizations, popular committees, student and youth frameworks, societies, and institutions, in the service of the Palestinian cause.
2- Building a person: The first condition for liberation is building a person, and this cannot be achieved without education first and then awareness. Work without knowledge is not, and knowledge without values behind it is destroyed and not built.
3- Interaction: There is no doubt that young people are the pillars of societies, their living nerve and their beating heart, and that adults are their mind and conscience. The heart cannot be separated from the mind. Therefore, the association seeks to enhance the role of youth and integration with adults by activating communication and meetings, and creating spaces for dialogue and participation in decision-making.
The most prominent goals of the gathering are:
1- Finding a Palestinian media voice that defends our just causes, and works to communicate the voices of oppression and soreness that silently groan in the narrow alleys and dark grooves.
2- To push for the development of a Palestinian national strategy, through communication with the various Palestinian and Lebanese forces and frameworks. Our work is not limited to the media dimension, as before that we were the cause of activists and activists on the ground.
3- Developing media work inside the camps, by organizing various training courses, implementing some specific productions and targeted campaigns on an ongoing basis in all camps, and networking with various activists on social media.
4- Opening more broadly to the Lebanese media and parties, and creating coordination mechanisms with youth frameworks.