Palestinian refugees arrived in the Christian town of Damour in Mount Lebanon to extinguish the fires, some of them first, and among them their parents arrived four decades ago to dominate the headlines at the time, due to a massacre committed by the national movement in January 1976 against the Lebanese right in reaction to arresting and killing people According to the ID, in response to the carnitia-slaughterhouse massacre, which killed more than a thousand Palestinians. It was called a civil war, because parents kill some of them in populated areas, and most of the victims are civilians.
Currently, Palestinian refugees have chosen to extinguish extending fires in the mountains of Lebanon, rather than seeing it through the media. Perhaps the natural reaction is to protect their camps if the fire approaches, and to say among them: Why do we help those who deny us our human rights and go to help them humanly?
Quite frankly, the Palestinian forgot about the hatred of history and threw the past with his ugly memory, and extended his hand more than once as a goodwill gesture to build bridges of trust towards the present and the future. On the other hand, a small part of the Lebanese people interacted. Lebanese parties have received Palestinian initiatives as a sign of weakness, and therefore why they give the weak a right that can be taken away from. Since the “Palestine Declaration in Lebanon” in 2008 and the Palestinian apology for all harm, nothing has changed except for the increase in misery in the camps. And because the Lebanese did not apologize for the corresponding harm during the Civil War, the relationship remained based on giving without taking. The most important thing is that the Palestinian file in Lebanon is included in the sectarian bazaar, and the view of the Palestinian as a person with dreams is not as a “terrorist” who lives in security islands. Does the Palestinian extinction of the fires in Lebanon change the reality, or at least, the perception of the racist group? With a mouth full of confidence, we say: No. This is because the psychological composition of the racist person or the racist class is based on the hatred of that name, Palestinian, and if he lit his fingers with candles to light Lebanon. This layer is not of a certain sect, but is spread over Lebanon’s geography and Lebanese minds in the countries of expansion.
It happened during the 2006 war that the camps opened their homes and schools for the displaced, so that the baking oven in Rashidiyeh camp distributed the news within 33 days to the villages of the south for free, and Israeli aircraft bombed the oven to see its moral significance before logistics. The residents of Ain Al-Hilweh camp mention that the mosque’s radio called for food, drink, and sleeping necessities, and within minutes, all of the camp’s residents in the centers designated for the displaced carried what they could. After the war ended, the relationship with the estimated thousands of displaced people was cut off, except for the mercy of my Lord. Some of them carried a good memory of the camp, some of them forgotten, and some of them stood with the Lebanese Minister of Labor against the Palestinian in the issue of work permits. This is very normal, because human memory is very weak. Who now remembers the Palestinian youth Saber Murad, who saved the city of Tripoli from a terrorist act, only four months ago. I personally forgot his name, and I checked in “Professor Google” to remember his full name.
What the firefighters and the refugee medics did, fell into the category of humanitarian duty, and it was not for advertising and photographing “selfies”. But the racist class itself used this duty to target the Palestinian, and described it as strange descriptions. Someone surprised how they have a civil defense and have firefighters! And another accused them of having a state within the state! The wonder, is surprising, that one of them accused the refugees of setting fires.
Time stopped in this category with the end of the civil war, and the most dangerous thing is that they transfer genetics and racist ideas to new generations. As for the Palestinian generations, they should not slip into hatred, but rather initiate even if the relationship is unjust. Because it depends on the accumulation to change the stereotype, especially since the tools of change so far are weak, and history, as the hearts have big fires, is time to extinguish them.